The Why

The quick story is this. Within three months of time my son and I both faced potentially life threatening diagnoses. Breast cancer for mom and Frontal Lobe Epilepsy for son. Middle school oldest son stuck in the mess, husband taking it all in, taking it all on.

Longer story. It’s about so much more than cancer. More than Epilepsy. It’s about so much more than…me. The story is about a 39 year mother who had to for the first time truly examine her heart, her life and her strength. A lady probably much like you lost all of her outer beauty and much of her perceived value. She had to figure things out.

In one very specific, very sacred moment, she cried aloud. She dared to ask. Why God?

And he answered right into her heart. Because you have More to Learn.

A family in crisis is not the tragedy in this story. The awful thing would be to go through this and not REALLY go through this.  To muddle through a place of so much hard and not have a heart changed.

One thing I’ve learned. You are a lot like me. More than I thought, more than I every really hoped. I hear again and again, you said what I could not. And that makes me want to write more. To be a voice, to be something, to help someone find their faith and find their feet if their world goes upside down too.

2 thoughts on “The Why

  1. Heather, you’re descriptions are nothing short of exquisite! You are my most favorite contemporary American author and I can’t wait to stand in line one at a Barnes & Noble waiting for my turn to have you sign my copy of your book.


  2. You are so right on! Love that you are sharing your story of heartache, doubts and triumph thru your faith and those that love you. Thankful and blessed to call you my friend. Your journey inspires everyone who crosses your path. 😍


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