I find joy.

I find joy. In many things, but particularly in these photos. These gorgeous faces, the love and the passion and the very life that shines through. Heart beauty.

I found eight million excuses to never have our photos taken. To cringe and point out every single flaw if I did see my own image. And then I learned what it is like to lose to your pretty. And a hard lesson it was.

So, I take pictures now. And I get to capture these moments of joy. Moments of togetherness for families. I get to give people a tangible something. A way to hold on to a memory.

It is where I’m happiest. Thank you to these beautiful faces for letting me share.

2 thoughts on “I find joy.

  1. You are such a gift, in so many ways, your words, your ability to express what’s down deep inside.. thank you for what you’re teaching me.


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